ROPA: The fertility treatment designed for the LGBTQ+ community - New year, new hope babie image

ROPA: The fertility treatment designed for the LGBTQ+ community

At Reproclinic, we are aware of the desire of lesbian couples to have a biological connection with their baby. Reciprocal IVF, also known as ROPA (Reception of Oocytes from the Partner), is the perfect solution in cases where two women want to have a baby together, since it allows both of them to actively participate in the pregnancy process. As each partner makes a unique biological contribution, a deeper sense of emotional connection is fostered.


Who can benefit from IVF at Reproclinic?

If you are a same-sex female couple and you do not have any fertility issues

If one of you has been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure

If one of you has had their fallopian tubes removed

If one of you has been diagnosed of fallopian tube obstruction

If one of you has been diagnosed with PCOS or endometriosis

If one of you has a history of recurrent miscarriages

If one of you is experiencing premature menopause

If your fertility is affected as a result of chemotherapy or radiation

If you are at risk of passing on a genetic condition to your baby

If you need preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)

Visit our modern clinic located at the heart of Barcelona

Reproclinic is a leader in assisted reproduction treatment with one of the highest success rates in Spain. Discover our state-of-art facility offering the latest equipment and methods and get maximum comfort and attention. The Reproclinic team of IVF specialists is here to help you fulfil your dream of becoming parents.

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Why Reproclinic?

One patient = One team

Every patient gets personalised VIP treatment in Reproclinic. Each patient...

Premium facilities & technology

Thanks to the latest technology and above standard laboratory, we...

Medical excellence

In Reproclinic, you can meet internationally renowned experts specialising in...

Holistic IVF treatments

We achieve excellent results by combining the latest IVF technology...

Outstanding donors program

Reproclinic has a large number of egg donors with many...

Will my treatment be successful? Yes because we know that the difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations and we will take care of you.

Every year, hundreds of babies are born thanks to the treatments at Reproclinic.

Every day, we help our patients across the globe create their desired families.

Every step in your treatment we do is to ensure the highest chances of your success.

Success Rates of Reproclinic’s ROPA program

ROPA is a highly effective solution for same-sex female couples who wish to start a family together. At Reproclinic, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our patients and have a high success rate thanks to our commitment to providing top-notch care.

Clinical pregnancy rate for IVF with own eggs









Patients who achieved transferring an embryo and freezing at least one embryo



Discover the details of the ROPA program below.

Don’t let your worries hold you back from exploring the possibility of building your family through Reciprocal IVF.

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Prepare for your treatment by completing a medical questionnaire through our website
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Book your first consultation, either online or in person
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We will assess both of your medical reports and lab tests’ results to rule out any infectious diseases
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One of you will be donating her eggs and will therefore be subject to ovarian stimulation for a period of approximately 15 days, after which her eggs will be retrieved in order to be fertilized with an anonymous donor’s sperm
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Donor’s sperm preparation and subsequent in vitro fertilization; as well as, extended embryo culture until the blastocyst stage (day 5 or 6 of development)
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Meanwhile, the other one who will be carrying the pregnancy, will undergo endometrial preparation for a period of 10-15 days, prior to the embryo transfer
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A strict criteria of morphological selection of the embryos will be applied in order to choose the embryo with the biggest implantation potential, whereas the remaining good-quality embryos will be frozen for future treatments. The best quality embryo will be transferred into the womb of the one who will be carrying the pregnancy, under ultrasound guidance
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Positive pregnancy test and… your first pregnancy scan!

Our team

We are proud of our reputation as a quality, professional and highly experienced infertility treatment provider. Each team member is a dedicated professional, always ready to help our patients create their desired family.

In Reproclinic, the fertility specialists, andrologists, embryologists, gynaecologists, nurses and coordinators collaborate closely together to create a patient-friendly environment. This allows us to provide the best care possible and ensure the top treatment results. Let us introduce you to:










Contact us


C/ del Comte d’Urgell, 46
08011 Barcelona, Spain



Barcelona, Espana

+ 34 93 655 23 34